Frequently Asked Questions

List of questions frequently asked by our customers
Written by Connexium
Updated 1 year ago

Q: What should I know about voice-over IP?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that allows you to make voice calls over the internet rather than using traditional phone lines. VoIP works by converting your voice into digital data, which is then transmitted over the internet to the recipient, where it is converted back into an audible voice. This allows you to make phone calls from your computer, phone, or other device using an internet connection.

There are many benefits to using VoIP, including the ability to make and receive calls from any location with an internet connection, lower costs compared to traditional phone service, and the ability to easily add or remove phone lines as needed. VoIP can also be integrated with other communication tools, such as CRM softwares video conferencing and instant messaging, to create a comprehensive communication platform. VoIP technology is used by individuals, businesses, and organizations around the world to stay connected and communicate effectively.

Q: What are the advantages of this service for my business?

There are several key points we can highlight to help you understand that VoIP is the best choice for your business:

  1. Cost savings: VoIP can be much cheaper than traditional phone service, especially for businesses with multiple lines or who make a lot of long-distance or international calls.

  2. Flexibility: With VoIP, you can make and receive calls from any location with an internet connection using a computer, desk phone, or other device. This allows for greater flexibility and mobility, especially for businesses with remote employees or multiple locations.

  3. Features and functionality: VoIP systems often come with a wide range of features and functionality, such as voicemail, call forwarding, and virtual meetings, which can help improve communication and productivity within a business.

  4. Scalability: VoIP systems are easy to scale up or down as needed, allowing businesses to add or remove phone lines as their needs change.

  5. Integration: VoIP systems can often be integrated with other communication tools, such as CRM software, video conferencing and instant messaging, creating a comprehensive communication platform for businesses.

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